The Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to help you grow your business or organization through the support and commitment of our members, volunteers, and community leaders. The Chamber is proud to sponsor programs, seminars, and community events throughout the year to help your business or organization become an indispensable part of the Germantown community. Check out this website, our Facebook and Linkedin pages for more information.
Our membership categories are
Business Membership (2 levels) - Business Name Listed as Member
- More than 15 Full Time Employees
- 14 and less Full Time Employees
Non-Business Individual/Non-Profit Membership (1 level)
-This membership only allows a non-profit organization or the name of a person as the member. For-profit businesses names are not allowed to be listed as a member using this membership. If you want your business to be mentioned, please choose a Business Membership.
The Membership Brochure goes over the benefits of being a member and if you would like to discuss specifically how this looks for your business or organization, please contact us at 262-255-1812 or
Joletta Kerpan, Executive Director
Lynn Grgich, Executive Assistant